Company Profile
Conocophillips adalah Perusahaan energi yang integral dalam skala internasional, bermarkas di Houston, Texas, Conocophillips beroperasi lebh dari 40 negara, mempunyai sekitar 38.300 karyawan diseluruh dunia. PT Conocophillips didirikan tahun 1875 sebagai perusahaan minyak kontinental dan perusahaan transportasi.
ConocoPhillips adalah perusahaan energi yang integral dalam skala internasional. ConocoPhillips adalah perusahaan energi terintegrasi ketiga terbesar di Amerika Serikat berdasarkan kapitalisasi pasar dan cadangan terbukti minyak dan gas. Conocophillips merupakan pengilang terbesar kedua di Amerika Serikat. Secara internasional, dalam kategori perusahaan yang tidak dikendalikan pemerintah, ConocoPhillips mempunyai cadangan terbukti terbesar kelima di dunia; dan berdasarkan kapasitas minyak mentah adalah pengilang terbesar keempat di dunia.
ConocoPhillips terkenal di seluruh dunia dengan keahlian teknologi di bidang eksplorasi dan produksi di laut dalam, eksploitasi dan manajemen reservoir, teknologi seismik 3-D,petroleum coke upgrading kelas tinggi, dan sulfur removal.
Aktivitas utama perusahaan:
1. Eksplorasi dan produksi minyak bumi.
2. Pengilangan, pemasaran, suplai dan transportasi.
3. Pengumpulan, Pengelolahan dan pemasaran gas alam, 50% saham di Duke Energy Field Service, LLC.
4. Produksi dan distribusi bahan kimia plastik melalui 50% saham di Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC.
Visi : Menjadi perusahaan E&P (Exploration&Production) pilihan untuk seluruh pemangku kepentingan dengan merintis standar keunggulan yang baru.
Misi : Kami ada untuk menyediakan energi bagi peradaban.
Spirit Values
S - Safety
P - People
I - Integrity
R - Responsibility
I - Innovation
T - Teamwork
Leadership Team
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Leads the company in driving a unique combination of organic growth, financial returns and an attractive yield
Executive Vice President
Strategy, Exploration and Technology
Leads the teams responsible for strategic planning, exploration, business development and technology
Executive Vice President
Production, Drilling and Projects
Leads the teams that oversee the company’s worldwide operations, as well as the drilling, major projects and health, safety and environmental functions
Executive Vice President
Finance, Commercial and
Chief Financial Officer
Leads the teams responsible for the company’s financial and commercial functions
Senior Vice President
Legal, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary
Serves as counsel providing oversight on all legal issues impacting the corporation
Senior Vice President
Government Affairs
Leads a team who serve as the voice of ConocoPhillips in addressing highly complex public policy issues with governments around the world
Vice President
Investor Relations and Communications
Leads an integrated team responsible for investor relations, communications, brand and charitable investment programs
Vice President
Human Resources and Real Estate & Facilities Services
Leads the global team of human resources professionals and is responsible for Real Estate & Facilities Services